Tax Planning

Tax happens. You can either be a victim or a strategist. 



The IRS does not pay interest on the money they collect from you all year.  Large refunds are nice, but indicate that no planning has taken place. Would you like an interest free loan? Through planning, you can use the IRS's money interest free...

smpl gets it right.

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Estimated tax

Waiting to pay all of your Federal tax liability until you file may cause a penalty. There are secrets and strategy to paying estimates to avoid penalties.  Some states don't require estimates or even withholding during the year.

We make it smpl.


Not all Decisions are Tax driven

When making choices, we never consider just one factor. Tax, finance, family, risk, effort, and security  must all be balanced to arrive at a decision. Don't have another child just for the tax benefits... 

Balance is smpl.